Inpersona and Helo are the latest in collecting and processing Health and Medical Data for the Healthtech market. By using state-of-the-art sensors, enhanced signal processing, and proprietary algorithms. For each person that wears Inpersona and Helo medical devices, medical information is protected and belongs to the wearer. In the meantime, they help them improve their health and wellness. The wearer also receives a benefit for sharing their medical information for research purposes. And earn cryptocurrency with each heartbeat. This is Web 3.0 Technology on the Blockchain. This is the most important area of our lives with a secure APP. And is good for the entire family. Get the information HERE

Importance of Personal Medical Data

Our personal medical data is important and protecting our health data is our number one priority. Many of us did not know that Big Tech violates our privacy, they sell our medical data to the highest bidder. say for instance you are seeking employment, your employer could be lucky enough to have pre-medical history about you even before your arrival for an interview. That information could go against you or for you. Now thanks to Impersona and Helo, their collection and protection of our medical history is now under private cover.

The advice is: Do not use a medical device that does not offer the privacy of your medical data. The problem is that a greater part of the population that uses wearable medical devices is ignorant of the fact that their medical information, say your vitals are open to the vast dishonesty of the Marketplace before the advent of Inpersona and Helo. The other lucrative benefit Inpersona and Helo provide is monetizing your heartbeat. Yes!! Your heartbeat. They are the first Web 3.0 to use your heartbeat to mine Cryptocurrency. You own and control your monetize data. This is your chance to earn Cryptocurrency every day as frequently as you wear your device with every heartbeat.

This Overview will surely Open Your Eyes and Cause You to Take Action!!

To benefit from and control your health data, you have to own a Helo Device. The healthier you and whoever you introduced to Helo become the more you gain. All is done through the Socialfi and Healthfi programs within the Inpersona Solution as explained in the above video.

Inpersona and Helo

The first step is to download the Free Inpersona App from the Apple iStore OR Google Play Store. This App allows you to participate and connect to Web 3.0 and Blockchain Solutions

Inpersona and Helo

The second step is to set up a new account after running or opening the App. You will need an Invite Code, which is available to us or anyone connected to the Inpersona App already:


You have to get your Invite Code as we are sharing this and growing this unbelievable wave of the future that not only solves a huge series of issues with our Health Data Sovereignty.