Your natural hair is the hair you came into this life with. Yours to keep and care and love. You have no choice but to accept and love, love all the way through life. So why not take the best care of your hair?  First find out all you can about what makes your hair look the best, what makes it grow to its fullest, bouncing along with you with each move you make. Here are some suggestions below and tips on how to find Your Natural Hair type, and how to maintain yours. This is for all and any Hair Type regardless of race and ethnicity

Check this Chart for Your Unique Natural Hair. What is Natural Hair Anyway?

your natural hair

Before using chemical straighteners including relaxers, and texturizers to alter the texture of your hair, that’s what we call Natural Hair. Maintaining that natural look takes careful proven steps and that is exactly what we are looking into. Anything or ideas that support the growth of your hair is our concern right now. To make a step in this direction one has to investigate your hair type. So as we are unique, our hair is unique. Therefore as soon as you become clear on that identification of hair type you will definitely know how to handle and achieve the best hair growth.

Did You Find out What Your Natural Hair Type is?

With the help of this chart, I encourage you to make your selection from this group. Personally, I did not know there were so many different Natural hair types. But here is the chance to really educate yourself on your own hair type. I am so happy and comfortable with this information. This is really not only for yourself but for your entire family and friends who would also benefit from this knowledge. And knowledge is great. That is what life is all about sharing and passing it on.

There Are Four Different Hair Types

  1. Straight hair
  2. Wavy hair
  3. Curly hair
  4. Coiled hair
your natural hair

The ten different types of Curly Hair

Each hair type comes with its own care and treatment. Straight hair is straight without curls, waves, or kinks. But straight hair can be fine, coarse, or curl-resistant. Wavy hair is between curly and straight hair and falls in loose “S” shapes. And wavy hair can also be coarse to thick, dry, or frizzy. Curly hair is that wavy type. And covers ten different types of curls from the 2a type to the 4c type. Then comes the Coiled hair type. That is the type 4 Coily Hair. It is also known as kinky or afro-textured hair which is naturally spongy and very dry. This type 4 Coily hair can be fine and soft or coarse and wiry, with small very tight curls. It goes through major shrinkage and will be a lot longer when it is stretched out.

Now, make your selection Your Natural Hair – What is Yours?

Once you have made your hair choice selection, you can start to think about what is the best hair care for your type of hair. Fortunately, our research presents us with the best hair care for your curls. With each use, one will really welcome this Perfect Wash Day kit for your hair. This is a hair kit that deals with all types of curly hair. Here is a little description and for a more Detailed Description Pay a Visit to this Website. You Will Love It!!

Perfect Tool Kit for Easy Hair Wash Day

Here is the perfect tool kit for hair wash day. It helps to make your life easy and is just the right tool for all types of hair. A bundle of 5 hair tools to assist you with washing, conditioning, detangling, drying, and moisturizing. The kit comes with a Scalp Massaging Shampoo Brush, Microwaveable Deep Conditioning Cap, Honeycomb Detangling Brush, Microfiber Towel Turban, and Continuous Spray Bottle. This kit helps to reduce the hair washing struggle to a pleasant experience and better results.

your natural hair

The Scalp Massaging Shampoo Brush helps to combat hair loss from breakage by stimulating new hair growth. The Microwaveable Deep Conditioning Cap moisturizes your curls. After applying your favorite deep conditioner, pop the cap made of flaxseed into the microwave and place it over a shower cap for an easy home heat treatment. This brings moisture to the hair to combat dry hair. The Honeycomb Detangling Brush allows for easier hair detangling. The Microfiber Towel Turban for hair drying and the Continuous Spray Bottle with the mixture of your oil make everything complete and easier.

More About this Wash Day Kit

With the Wash Day Kit, you can get back to enjoying and celebrating your Natural Hair. Hair wash day will be more joyful and easier. There will be fewer bad hair days. And of course repair and restoration from the damages, you brought on your hair. Very importantly, this Wash Day Kit is good for all hair types. So handy is this kit you will want yours soon. Why not?

It is always best, to educate oneself as much as possible in order to make the best of our hair, especially when we are thinking of flaunting Natural Hair. There is beauty in your hair. Natural Hair is beautiful. To find out what your natural hair is and how to take care of it is paramount. As your beauty glows with your beautiful natural hair, your internal health glows also as it projects externally.


Now after coming upon these real facts concerning Your Natural Hair and What Your Hair Type is, it is time to relax and reward yourself for a job well done. Celebrate with a Merlot or Pinot from Napa and Sonoma Valley. Better yet, to make this more complete add some healthy consumable products like Zlem in order to assist with sleep and weight loss, and Bran that clears up brain fog to help with concentration and focus during the day’s work. products”. You can find all these products and more in this Health and Fitness Category area ALSO. All these make for better Natural Hair growth.